Exercise Prevent Cancer

SPORT is a natural way to maintain health and prevent disease. Research shows, active every day can keep you from risks such as heart disease and cancer.

Lebaran holiday period is over, time to return to normal daily activities. Perhaps many of us due to various reasons, change of activity during the month of Ramadan until the post-holiday. The most obvious is usually a sporting activity is generally decreased.

For those who prayed diligently during the fasting month tarawih may not matter much emptiness sporting activity was at least replaced by movements in the prayer, which in addition contain the value of worship, are healthy.

However, what about those who totally stopped exercising and reduced physical activity for over a month now? Especially during Lebaran, sometimes people go crazy to see gelimang food at home or a relative's house and family who visited during stay in touch. In the end, uncontrollable body weight back, complaining mind body and clothes back to tighten.

Hmm? time to exercise again ya! Similarly, eat, exercise should be done every day. Do not immediately think of strenuous exercise on the sweating, light activity such as walking or cycling around the compound, is an enjoyable exercise alternative.

Sports medicine specialist, Dr. Phaidon L Toruan MM, express, sport is a must. "Just as you pray and pray in accordance with the religion and belief to spiritual needs, then the sport is a physical need," he said.

Phaidon add, sport or in everyday language as training is an activity that uses physical force. Today, with increasing degenerative diseases such as heart attacks, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, in the end many people know that one reason is the lack of sporting activity.

Departing from this, the sport can be considered as "medicine", which then also inspire terlahirnya sports therapy (sports therapy). Better to prevent than cure. Well, other than healthy, regular exercise has been proven to prevent the emergence of diseases, especially obesity as a gateway various chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular related diseases (cardiovascular). Therefore, the problems often experienced in people with excess body weight is the high metabolism.

"Metabolism is affected body mass. The greater body mass, the more energy it takes to burn calories. This condition would be dangerous if you rarely exercise," said the professor of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Timothy Church, MD, MPH, PhD.

Various international scale studies have been handed the findings of the benefits of exercise for health and disease prevention.
A recent study conducted by researchers in the United States also revealed that regular exercise can protect men from prostate cancer.

Conclusions are based on the results of their tests against the 190 male participants who had a biopsy of the prostate. That the participants are quite active, even just walking for a few hours per week, it had significantly less tendency to get prostate cancer.

The majority of men in this study (approximately 58 percent) in their daily life is much less movement and more sedentary (sedentary). In other words, if they could perform activities of walking, they are at most only do it in less than 1 hour per week. The study also reported that the exercise (exercise) who do men who have prostate cancer can minimize cancer progression toward a more malignant.

"The rising portion of sport you play, diminishing the risk of cancer," says urologist at Duke University Medical Center in America, Dr. Jodi Antonelli, who headed the study of writing.

Responding to the results of a study published online in the Journal of Urology 22 issue of the September, a urologist at Duke and the Durham Veterans Affairs Hospital, Dr. Stephen Freedland, revealed that these findings are certainly useful as a reference for medical scientists who are still looking for evidence related benefits of exercise for cancer prevention.

"There are dozens of studies that reported benefits of exercise in reducing the risk of prostate cancer, some of which even a large-scale studies. However, it is still confusing and leaves a question mark," he said.

In addition to prostate cancer the most feared men found, women can also benefit from the exercise, namely to keep the risk of breast cancer.

This was revealed in a study by a team of researchers from the University of Southern Californiadi Los Angeles. They found that the motion of high-intensity exercise such as swimming, aerobics, and running can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

According to the researchers, exercise or sports may reduce cancer risk through changes in metabolism and the immune system by reducing weight gain.

For the purposes of this study, the research team involving 110 599 participants in the California woman who traced his health history since 1995. Compared to participants who only exercised less than 30 minutes a week, female participants who diligently perform high motion activity for more than 5 hours a week are known to experience a reduced risk of invasive breast cancer by 20 percent, and 31 percent of cancers for early-stage breast cancer.
The study was conducted primarily to see the cumulative effects of sports or exercise a higher risk of breast cancer. Before the diagnosis of breast cancer, on average, participants claimed only do a little exercise.

"The results of this study along with additional evidence on cancer prevention through physical activity is heavy, but fun in a long-term risk of invasive breast cancer and those who are still early stage," said researcher as noted in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.

Prevent the Risk of Cancer

Prevention is better than cure. This slogan will be very meaningful when associated with cancer. In addition to the risk of illness is getting worse until death, also known for the treatment of cancer diseases is quite expensive and inconvenient. Therefore, it is imperative for us that has not been affected by cancer, especially those with a family history who never had cancer, to better protect themselves from the risk of this disease.

Here we collect healthy tips that can prevent and minimize the risk of cancer:

1. Grilling do under the new fire lit and smoky. If grilling, use an electric grill, gas grill or charcoal briquettes to the fire place in the side, so no fat drips on hot coals or a fire being lit. When fat drips on hot coals, forming carcinogenic substances will PAC (Polycyclic aromatic carbon), with the next smoke will be carried over to the material being baked. Use baking mat if grilling directly on the fire, so no fat droplets falling on the coals or flames. If grilling using charcoal or briquettes, then place the baked material about well after the charcoal burning. Usually the process of development "coal"'s lasted 30 to 60 minutes, it will show the already burning coals red with some white parts have been reduced to ashes.

2. Avoid foods that are baked or grilled excessive, such as to cause excessive kegosongan. Better to throw away a part that was already burning the (very dark).

3. Avoid repeated use of frying oil or margarine used, especially for meat products and fish.

4. Avoid frying process with excessive heat.

5. A bowl of cereal with milk every day can provide fiber and calcium intake is sufficient to prevent cancer. It would be better if the acquisition of the fiber obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables, because in addition to containing fiber, mostly fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals which are beneficial to health. Tomatoes rich in lycopene, a substance that can prevent cancer. Remember that a poor body condition can also increase the risk of cancer.

6. Reduce fat intake, if you are already categorized as 'fat', you should avoid altogether.

7. Reduce, and should avoid foods that are preserved, smoked, pickled, and foods that contain lots of food additives such as artificial colorings, artificial flavorings and preservatives.

8. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol!

9. Avoid sunlight after 9 am until 2 pm to avoid exposure to UV rays can increase the risk of skin cancer. If you must move out of the room, do not forget to use sunscreen.

10. If you have to do x-ray examination, try not to do the re-examination after at least 6 months to give the body's cells are damaged by radiation to improve himself. Exposure to ionizing radiation in X-rays can trigger the occurrence of cancer.

Radiation Increase the Risk of brain Cancer in Children

Children who are affected by exposure to radiation therapy before the age of five are known to have affected the risk for tumors in the brain or central nervous system a few years later. The data was obtained from studies of children who survive childhood cancer. Types of nerve tumors are often found in children are gliomas and meningiomas, which are generally found in the brain and other parts.

About 1% of the total cancer patients aged children who are able to survive in the intervening years are known to be affected by tumors on the nervous system if they are exposed to radiation. The highest risk for second cancer (cancer of the nervous system) for children who undergo radiation therapy at very young ages have a chance to develop into brain cancer later in life.

A study involving 14 361 patients with cancer at the age of children who survive after five years was released from cancer, including 116 children suffering from cancer a few years later the nerve. A total of 40 of them suffering from gliomas nine years later after the first free of cancer at age children and 66 of them suffering from cancer meningiomas lapse 17 years after the first declared cured of cancer at the age of the children.

Healing with the way radiation is known to have a risk of up to six-fold to cause the occurrence of glioma and ten-fold to hit meningioma. The risk of developing cancer of the nerves will increase along with increasing doses of radiation used for cancer treatment therapies of first suffered.

However, the researchers concluded that there is need for further observations of the children who survived from cancer at a young age especially those undergoing radiation therapy for an indication or early detection of cancers that will strike next.

Soy Prevents Breast Cancer Recurrence

A diet high in soy, the isoflavones, thought to reduce the risk of recurrence of breast cancer survivors, especially the (survivors) of breast cancer.

The experts found the breast cancer survivors who had entered menopause and regularly consume isoflavones from soy, about 42.3 milligrams per day, have a lower risk of cancer recurrence than those who eat soy in smaller portions, ie, 15.2 mg per day.

Links between the components of soy and breast cancer is unclear, but researchers believe isoflavones affect levels of estrogen in the body. However, other studies show the opposite effect, isoflavones actually increase the risk of breast cancer.

According to the National Cancer Institute, United States, more than 12 percent of women born today will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her life. Experts suspect it is one of them is influenced by diet.

Americans rarely eat soy. The new 37 percent who consume soy foods or drinks several times a month. Meanwhile in Asia, a protein derived from soybeans into the daily diet.

For several years experts continue to explore the benefits of soy for health, especially cancer. Previous studies showed soy isoflavones, namely genistein, could inhibit the effect of tamoxifen (drug hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women) and promote growth of estrogen positive resepstor.

Healing Cancer Disease

Cancer, we have often heard the disease was named as one of the major diseases 'deadly'. Of course, we mean here not just cancer that is often spoofed into 'dry bag'. If it does, the medicine can be searched with sweat.

Actually what is it cancer? Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of body tissue cells are not normal, so it turns into cancer cells. Furthermore, these cancer cells can grow / spread to other body parts, so when it is severe can cause death. Most people assume that cancer is just the tumor. Though the tumor is any abnormal lumps or abnormal in the body that is not inflammatory. While cancer is a malignant tumor.

This severe disease can have on people in all age groups, men and women. Cancer can also occur in any part of the body. In Indonesia, some types of cancer ever discovered is on the cervix, breast, liver, lungs, skin, nasoparing, lymph nodes, blood cancers, the colon, and others. For cervical and breast cancer, suffered by many women.

Normally when cancer has not spread and damage the surrounding tissue, the patient does not feel any symptoms or complaints. Therefore, many people who already have cancer, but did not realize. They realized if exposed to the disease, if there are symptoms and complaints, or when the disease has begun to develop. Not a few people who checked into the hospital after a severe illness.

Cancer Deadly Diseases

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, each year the world of cancer patients increased 6.25 million people. In the next 10 years an estimated 9 million people die each year from cancer. Two-thirds of cancer in the world are in developing countries. In Indonesia alone, the death rate from this disease tend to increase. According to the data each year, from 100 thousand inhabitants, found 100 new cancer patients.

WHO also stated that a third to half of cancers could be prevented. A third can be cured if found and treated at an early stage / early stage. The rest can only be alleviated suffering. Therefore, prevention of cancer and found it at an early stage is very important. Prevention efforts can liberate people from cancer. While knowing the disease in its early stages will offset the cost of treatment is relatively expensive.

Why Cancer Rising

Lifestyle of modern society that tends to consumer, is closely associated with the onset of various diseases are not caused by infection. That is a disease caused cell growth slowdown (degenerative diseases), such as heart disease and cancer.

Most modern society today many who like to consume foods high in fat content, and consume less natural fibers. This can be evidenced by the widespread and best-selling variety of restaurants serving foreign-style fast food. The habit of eating preserved foods can also trigger cancer. Likewise, drinking alcohol and smoking habits.

How to Prevent Cancer

However, it is better to prevent than cure. Preventing the cancer can be done by reducing the consumption of fatty foods / high in cholesterol, and increase consumption of fiber and colorful vegetables. Butter also stay away from cigarettes and alcohol. Stay away from adultery / promiscuity, to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases. But not good for health, three things are also something to be shunned by the Islamic teachings. In addition, try to live balanced, orderly and avoid stress. It may work hard but also have enough rest. If you need to check your health regularly and orderly.

Wary Cancer Symptoms

If in your body there is a lump or abnormality, it should really pay attention as cancer, although not disturbing. You also need to be vigilant for any changes or disturbances in bowel habits or minor. Similarly, if the digestion disturbed and difficult swallowing, and hoarseness and cough does not heal. Moles / andeng-andeng changing its nature, becomes increasingly larger and change color, also should be aware. Similarly, if there is an abnormal blood or lenders out of the body, and ulcers / sores do not heal old. Some of these are early symptoms of cancer. When you experience it you should consult a doctor to make sure it is cancer or not.

For liver cancer, you need to be vigilant when suddenly his face became pale yellow, knotted stomach, heartburn felt tight, and the urine was yellow. At the next level decreased appetite, and sleep did not taste good.

Treating Cancer

Disease burden of cancer often causes a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual for people. This is because a very high medical costs, long treatment times, a sense vemas and physical suffering is quite heavy.

To cure the illness, cancer patients can choose the way of medical treatment-conventional or alternative (non-magic / shaman). According to Drs. Koosnadi Saputra dr. Pulitbang Yantekkes Sp.R from MOH, to seek conventional treatment with surgery untukmembuang tumor to kill cancer cells with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or wear to destroy cancer cells. While alternative medicine is based on the paradigm of Eastern medicine, has the general objective to increase the immune system, inhibit cancer growth, reducing pain and improving the body's main functions.

Still according to Koosnadi, alternative treatments are safe, useful, logical thinking medicine, easy in implementation and in-depth research based, so-called biological therapy for cancer.

Signs of Cancer That is Often Overlooked

Compared with men, women are more concerned about his health. They are also cautious and want it checked if symptoms of a strange encounter on her body. Concern person on health is also associated with age. "Young people are usually ignored because it considers only parents who may be affected by the disease," said Mary Daly, oncologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, USA.

Talk about strange symptoms on the body, here are the signs of cancer should be aware. Although not specific, but the following symptoms are usually accompanied by other signs. Noteworthy is, the more premature known, the greater the chance of curable cancer.

1. Weight loss for no apparent
Every woman wants her weight down without the need to tired to try. However, body weight fell within a month without dieting or exercise effort, should be aware.

"Weight loss is suddenly dropped without explanation could be a sign of cancer or other health conditions, such as an overactive thyroid. To be sure consult a doctor," said Ranit Mishori, assistant professor of family health from Georgetown University School of Medicine.

2. Swelling in the abdomen
The emergence of swelling in the abdomen can be suspected as a sign of ovarian cancer. Other accompanying signs are abdominal pain or pain in the pelvis, urinary disorders and easy to feel sated while eating less. Be aware of symptoms of swelling, especially when it settled more than a week.

3. Breast changes
Although not routinely conduct its own examination, in general, recognize the condition of her breasts. Therefore, do not joke when they appear reddish marks or lumps in the breast. Another sign to watch is the change in the nipple, the fluid comes (in women who are not breastfeeding) are much less itchy.

4. Bleeding
Bleeding arising in between menstrual periods should have checked to see a doctor. "If not previously appeared blood spots and now suddenly there, then it could be something abnormal," said Debbie Saslow, PhD, director of breast and gynecologic cancer at the American Cancer Society.

5. Skin changes
Be careful with moles or lumps on the skin. If a widening, no symmetrical, uneven color or berkoreng, there is a possibility it is a skin cancer. The main cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet light and chemicals, as well as human papilloma virus infection.

6. It is hard to swallow
Complaints hard to swallow normally associated with disorders of the throat. However, symptoms of difficulty in swallowing can also be a sign of more serious problems, such as colon cancer.

Although not specific, but for gastric cancer in early stages often have symptoms of heartburn, difficulty swallowing, vomiting blood, weight loss, gastrointestinal bleeding, and anemia.

7. Changes in the mouth
According to the American Cancer Society, smokers need to be alert to the emergence of white patches on the tongue or plaques on oral mucosa, because it could be a sign of pre-cancerous condition called leukoplakia may develop into oral cancer.

8. Coughing up blood
Lung cancer symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath, and bloody sputum. The symptoms of lung cancer is usually in accordance with the spread of cancer in affected organs. For example if the spread to the brain, it can cause headaches, seizures, or disorders of consciousness. While on the bone, can cause pain and fractures.

9. Fever is not clear
If the child is lethargic and pale, fever is not clear why, bleeding in the skin or gums, there is a lump in the body or head, pain in the limbs, abdomen swollen or hard, parents should be alert and immediately took him to the doctor. It could be a symptom of leukemia (blood cancer) or cancer of lymphoma (lymph nodes)

Cervical Cancer

If we go back to 25 or 30 years ago, we rarely hear of women who develop cervical cancer (cervical) or breast cancer or diseases of other terrible diseases women.

Earlier times women did not know the pads. They use cloth or small towel when they're having a menstrual period. Nowadays, there is no woman who does not know modernpun pads.

Did you know, in Indonesia, Thailand, Phillipina, Vietnam and other developing countries, producers are using used paper or sawdust is recycled to be used as a bandage. They also use a bleaching (bleach) to whiten the materials.

Whereas in the bleaching materials contained content DIOXIN very dangerous and can cause various diseases like Cancer Uterus, Breast Cancer, Cysts, Myom and many others.

Foreign countries (developed countries), although dressings are produced from cotton (instead of scrap materials), they (producers) must include on the packaging that the pads are free from chlorine. Unfortunately this has not become an obligation for producers in developing countries.

So after a long usage (teen years) before the women feel the presence of diseases. Starting from a whitish, yellowish, the difficulty of getting children, cyst, Myom, even deadly cancer.

I appeal to the young mothers, realize your health. Keep your crown. Because what good is a pretty face, shell out hundreds of thousands to the face, but the health of the Crown ignored.

Aspirin Inhibition of Breast Cancer

Recent Research involving 4,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer showed that aspirin consumption is proven to improve survival and reduce recurrence.

"About 50 percent of women with breast cancer who take aspirin, less likely to die than those not taking them," said lead researcher Dr. Michelle Holmes, who is also professor of epidemiology at Harvard Medical School and School of Public Health, Boston, United States, such as reported by HealthDay. The research was published online on 16 February in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Broadly speaking, the light of Holmes, for women who took aspirin more in a week will have a higher life expectancy. This is done by comparing aspirin users and non. For example convalescing patients who take aspirin for 6-7 days a week, they will have a 64 percent reduction in risk of death.

Meanwhile, those who took aspirin for 2-5 days a week, with a variety of different reasons-will even experience a reduction to 71 percent risk of death. However, the most important is the data 50 percent reduction in overall risk. This study did not include the dose taken, but the only time in a week usage.

Use of aspirin in the same way also able to reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. "Even a surprise, this is a strong effect of aspirin," said Holmes. Although he admits this is only the study by observation, not a definitive determination of cause and effect.

How aspirin can reduce the recurrence, Holmes did not know exactly. However, recent research is consistent with several previous studies. "We appreciate very well that cancer is a disease of inflammation and aspirin is anti-inflammatory drugs," he said. The researchers speculate, aspirin lowers the possibility of the hormone estrogen in the blood or prevent the spread of early cancer.

For this study, Holmes and colleagues evaluated the use of aspirin among women at least one year after being diagnosed with breast cancer. The women, diagnosed with stage 1, 2, or 3 breast cancer between 1976 and 2002. All of these women is the Nurses' Health Study participants.

During the research process, until the death of a woman in June 2006, 341 women died of breast cancer and 400 people because of recurrence or other metastatic disease. However, Holmes asserted aspirin will never be a drug recommended for the cure of cancer.

Aspirin also causes negative side effects in some aspects. "It (the drug) can cause GI tract bleeding in patients," he said. Currently it needs further study about the results of this study. But, he added, when a woman with breast cancer and aspirin for other reasons (such as bone pain or tenderness), she will feel comfortable when he knows can prevent breast cancer does not become severe.

"This is the largest study specifically the use of aspirin and breast cancer recurrence and survival," said Eric Jacobs, Director of Pharmacoepidemiology in the American Cancer Society. Previous research has produced findings that a broader and not specific.

"The results of this study interesting, there are some important warning," said Jacobs. As also said Holmes, he noted that these findings do not prove cause and effect. "As a noted researcher of this study, do not talk about aspirin during chemotherapy because it may be inspired by the success of cancer patients who continue to survive. Do not get your hopes up too high on the use of aspirin, "said Jacobs.

Both Holmes and Jacobs agree that it is too early to tell breast cancer patients who survive because of aspirin, with the goal of reducing breast cancer recurrence or avoid death. According to them, patients must communicate with the doctor more about what is best for their treatment process.

Breast cancer is the most common known women. Every year more than 250,000 new cases diagnosed in Europe and more than 175,000 in the United States. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2000 an estimated 1.2 million women diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 700,000 of them died.

In Indonesia alone, according to Health Ministry data, cases of breast cancer this year reached 8227 cases (16.85 percent). Indeed lower than in 2006 reaching 8327 cases (19.64 percent). However, tumor or cancer is still the seventh leading cause of death in Indonesia with 5.7 percent presentation. The prevalence of tumors or cancer in Indonesia is 4.3 per 1,000 population.

Causes of breast cancer itself has not yet known, but there are some risk factors that cause a woman to be more likely to suffer from breast cancer, including age above 60 years, had suffered from breast cancer, family history, genetic and hormonal factors, menarche (menstruation first) before age 12, menopause after age 55 years, first pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant, use birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy, postmenopausal obesity and alcohol.

Heart Disease And Stroke And how to Prevent Its

Heart disease and stroke is a disease that is very scary figure. Even today in Indonesia, heart disease ranks first as cause of heart disease and stroke kematian.Penyakit often considered a disease of old monopolies. Once these diseases are suffered by the elderly especially those aged 60 years and over, because age is also one risk factor for heart disease and stroke. But now there is a tendency also suffered by patients under the age of 40 years. This could occur because of lifestyle changes, especially in modern urban young people.

When the era of globalization lead to information more easily available, developing countries can immediately imitate the habits of western countries are considered to mirror the pattern of modern life. A number of behaviors such as eating fast food (fast food) that contain high levels of saturated fat, smoking, alcohol, overwork, lack of exercise, and stress, has become a way of life, especially in urban areas. Though all of these behaviors may be the factors that cause heart disease and stroke.

Risk Factors Heart Disease & Stroke

There are various kinds of heart disease, but heart disease is coronary heart disease is generally feared because it strikes at the productive age and can lead to sudden death heart attacks. The cause of coronary heart disease is the narrowing and blockage of coronary arteries.

Narrowing and blockage of the coronary arteries caused by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol, triglycerides) are more and more and accumulate beneath the innermost layer (endothelium) of the artery wall. This reduces or stops blood flow to the heart muscle that it interferes with the heart as the blood pumping. Dominant effect of coronary heart disease is the loss of oxygen and nutrients to the heart due to reduced blood flow to the heart. Formation of fatty plaques in arteries will influence the formation of blood clots that will encourage a heart attack.

There are four main factors causing heart disease, namely:

1. Smoking too much over the years

2. levels of blood fats (cholesterol) is high

3. High blood pressure

4. diabetes

Like heart disease, stroke is also closely associated with vascular disorders. Stroke occurs because there is an interruption of blood flow to the brain. When there are brain regions that lack blood supply suddenly and sufferers have neurological disorders according to the affected brain regions. It might be paralyzed side (hemiplegia), reduced the power side of the body (hemiparesis), speech impairment, impaired taste (sensation) in the skin next to the face, arm or leg.

Risk factors for stroke have in common with heart disease risk factors, namely:

• Smoking

• Hypertension

• high blood fat levels

• Diabetes mellitus

• Disorders of blood vessels / heart

• The high number of red blood cells

• Overweight (obesity)

• Lack of physical activity / sports

• Drink alcohol

• Substance abuse (Drug)

Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke by Healthy Lifestyle

Prevention efforts to avoid heart disease and stroke begins to improve the lifestyle and controlling risk factors, thereby reducing the chance of getting the disease.

For prevention of heart disease & stroke avoid obesity / overweight and high cholesterol. Start by eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish and other fibrous foods. Reduce meat, snacks (snacks), and high-calorie foods that contain saturated fat and lots of others. Foods that contain lots of cholesterol accumulate in the blood vessel walls and cause atherosclerosis that trigger heart disease and stroke.

Quitting smoking is the target to be achieved, also avoid smoke from the environment. Smoking causes reduced blood vessel elasticity, thereby increasing the hardening of the arteries, and increases blood clotting factors that trigger heart disease and stroke. Smokers have a chance of stroke and coronary heart disease about two-fold higher compared with nonsmokers.

Drink alcohol in moderation. The more alcohol then chances are hemorrhagic strokes, especially the higher type. Alcohol can raise blood pressure, weakened heart, thicken blood and cause arterial spasms.

Perform exercise / physical activity. Exercise can help reduce body weight, controlling cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and other risk factors which are affected by heart disease and stroke

Control high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Hypertension is a major factor of stroke and coronary heart disease. Diabetes also increases the risk of stroke from 1.5 to 4 times as much, especially if blood sugar is not under control.

Avoid the use of illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, because drugs such drugs can increase the risk of stroke 7-fold compared with non-drug users.

Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke with Plant Medicines

Several types of herbs that can be used to prevent heart disease and stroke has the effect of blood circulation and as an anticoagulant which prevents blood clots, heart disease and stroke are major causes of vascular disorders.

Several types of plant medicine and natural materials that can be used to prevent and cope with Heart Disease and Stroke among others:

1. DAUN DEWA (Gynura segetum)

Pharmacological effects: as an anticoagulant, dilute blood clot, blood circulation and cleanse toxins.

The part used is the leaves and tubers. The recommended dose is 15-30 grams 60-10 grams of fresh leaves and tubers.

2. Noni (Morinda citrifolia)

Efficacy; lowers high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. Savor it can prevent the risk of heart disease and stroke. Dosage: 2-3 ripe fruit

3. GARLIC (Allium sativum)

Effects: blood circulation, an anticoagulant (prevents blood clots), lower blood cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels, lowering high blood pressure and increase immune system.

4. BOMBAY ONION (Allium cepa)

Efficacious to prevent blood clotting, reduce blood fat levels, lowering blood sugar levels and lowers blood pressure.

5. Ear black fungus (Auricularia auricula)

Efficacy / effect: Preventing stroke and cerebral hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessels.

6. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)

Benefits: prevents constriction of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure.

7. Purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

Benefits: prevents atherosclerosis (narrowing and blockage of blood vessels), preventing increased blood cholesterol, reduce nervous tension.

8. Banana

Benefits: Preventing stroke and cerebral hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessels.

9. Roses (Rosa chinensis)

Benefits / effects: blood circulation, neutralize toxins. Dosage: 3-10 g dried flower

10. Siantan (Ixora stricta Roxb.)

Benefits: Minimizes blood clots, lowers blood pressure. Dosage: 10-15 g of flowers

Waist Size Could be the Detection of Heart Disease

Measuring tape may be the best tool for predicting heart disease, some researchers said earlier this week.

Studies presented at the meeting of "American Heart Association" (American Heart Association) showed a large waist may be a short road to a heart attack or serious heart disease.

"Waist circumference is an important thing," said a heart expert at the University of Colorado and Chairman of the American Heart Association, Dr. Robert Eckel to the Health and Science Correspondent Reuters news agency, Maggie Fox.

During this time your doctor checks your cholesterol, blood pressure and obesity levels to measure the risk of heart disease, which is known as the number one killer in the U.S. and other countries in the world.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. states, in 2001, there were 930 thousand Americans who die from cardiovascular disease.

Smoking remains the leading cause of heart disease, but the problem of obesity began to chase ratings.

Statistics began to show by clear, entrenched in the body where fat is to look out for your body shape 'apple' in which the fat gathered in the middle of the abdomen or body shape is more dangerous than 'pear' large in the buttocks or thighs.

Dr. Xavier Jouven of INSERM, a group of researchers in Villejuif, France, and colleagues conducted a study of 7000 middle-aged French policemen who died in 1967 until 1984 with the cause of heart attack or other heart disease.

They pay attention to waist size and BMI (body mass index or body mass index), the ratio of height and weight are used in general to know someone overweight or obese.

Potbellied men likely to die sooner, said Jouven at the heart association meeting.

"The risk of sudden death increases as the density in the abdomen or stomach," said Jouven in a news conference, adding it has not been observed further that no deaths due to sudden cardiac arrest.

In addition, the study also found that people with high BMI numbers are not at risk of early death except for those that have a large waist circumference.

As a rule of thumb, the waist measures 40 inches or 102 cm is a sign of danger for men, while for women the risk is increased in waist size of 30 inches or 76 cm.

Dr. Khawaja Ammar of the Olmsted Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota (USA), conducted a study of 2,000 adults aged 45 years and over in the region and made a number of counting fat by waist circumference, neck circumference, BMI and skin fold thickness of the arm and abdomen.

The research team also found that the people who was "apple" has a tendency to suffer from heart-specific symptoms called left ventricular dysfunction and diastolic dysfunction is a benchmark performance of the heart in pumping blood.

After observing the people in the group who died within five years, they concluded that the low diastoliknya function and have a large waist size, likely to die earlier.

"Do not just calculate the height, weight and BMI, preferably accompanied by measuring waist circumference, neck circumference are also gentlemen," said Khawaja Ammar.

Negative Impacts For Passive Smokers

When the sick due to unhealthy behavior, it is a natural thing. But what about for people who are sick, as a result of the acts of others? It's an unfair thing. So that happens to people who are forced to inhale cigarette smoke from people smoking around them.

Disease that can be suffered by passive smokers are no better than active smokers. They become easy to suffer from cancer, heart disease, lung and other diseases that kill. They are surrounded by cigarette smoke will die sooner than those living with clean air. And death rates rose 15% higher.

From a study of 1263 patients with lung cancer who never smoked, it appears that those who become passive smokers in the home are at increased risk of lung cancer by 18%. When this happens in a long time, 30 years, the risk increased to 23%. If secondhand smoke in the workplace or social life, the risk of lung cancer will increase to 16% is if it lasts longer, up to 20 years, will increase again to 27% risk.

Cigarette smoke is known to have contained about 4,000 chemicals, of which 60 of them are known to cause cancer. The U.S. government itself estimates that 3,000 deaths occur annually due to lung cancer in those who do not smoke as a result of secondhand smoke.

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