Getting the Best Result From Doing Sit Ups

Sit ups are a great addition to exercise routines that need to be done correctly otherwise it will be a waste of time. What is the right way to do this exercise for a person to get the best results? The exercise is a significant exercise routine done by body builders. Type of exercise must be done right to benefit from it. Doing the exercise the wrong way results fatigue and injures one's back.

The right way of doing this exercise

• A person lies completely flat on a padded surface
• The knees are then bend to make an angle of 90 degrees • The feet are kept at shoulder distance apart and flat on the ground • Keep hands parallel to the floor, on chest or rest fingers on the back of the head • Raise torso towards the knees, making sure to use abdominal muscles • The position should be held when at approximately 40-50 degrees above the surface for 5 seconds • Rise back to the surface slowly • Exhale when going up and inhale when returning to the surface • Repeat five times, at the beginning stage but there is room for increase to more number 0f repetition depending on one's ability

Getting the best results

There are some things a person should do to optimize sit up exercises. These include:

• The speed of the movement in this exercise even if increased produces no definite improvements to the body.
• Doing sit ups with someone holding your fit firmly increases the exercise results on the body • The movement of the sit up exercise should be kept as slow as possible and jerking avoided. • Once a person feels comfortable with the current sit up being undertaken, the intensity can then be increased. • Avoid doing this exercise with legs stretched straight because it has the possibility of causing injury to back of a person. • Doing the exercise on a full stomach is not recommended because of the possibility of throwing up. • It is not beneficial for a person to do accompanying twists of the left knee and right elbow • Bend knees to avoid the influence of the hip flexors while in action • Don't interlock fingers behind the head while doing sip ups. • It is recommended a person takes half a minute gap between the sit ups set • To get desired results, a person is supposed to do sit ups regularly.

This exercise aims at strengthening a person's abs.

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