Healthy Diet Foods That Fight Cancer

For decades doctors and researchers have spent both huge amounts of time and money trying to discover the causes cancer, how to cure it and how best to prevent it. Only to discover that one of the most effective ways to fight cancer is by eating foods that have been at our disposal for hundreds of years. While no food can fight cancer all on its own eating a variety of foods that provide cancer fighting abilities can reduce our chances of getting cancer and may even improve out chances of surviving it if we do get it.

How Foods Fight Cancer

While there are a lot of technical terms to explain how foods help fight cancer, the simple and easiest explanation to understand is simply, that certain foods contain vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary to strengthening your immune system which aids in fighting a variety of diseases including cancer. Other foods have specific nutrients that help block or attack free radicals that cause cancer and some foods are believed to actual deactivate carcinogens and suppress cancer growth.

Think Green

Including a lot of green vegetables in your diet will help fight cancer. Green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach and kale, all contain vitamins and minerals that will enhance your bodies immune system and fight cancer. Chili and Jalapeno peppers will also aid in your fight against cancer by preventing the activation of cancer causing chemicals.

Broccoli is one of the best cancer foods available today. It has a number of vitamins and nutrients that will deactivate carcinogens and are believed to aid in suppressing the growth of cancer cells in the body.

Red and Orange Vegetables

Red and orange vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes all contain antioxidants as well as a variety of other vitamins that will strengthen your immune system. Eating one or two servings of these colorful vegetables along with green vegetables daily will help you to build an immune system that is strong in cancer fighting vitamins and minerals.


Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes all contain high doses of anti oxidants. These fruits actually stimulate cancer killing immune cells. Figs, red grapes, papayas, raspberries, strawberries, and apples can help to neutralize cancer causing chemicals.

Herbs and Spices

There is a variety of herbs and spices that can help fight cancer. Turmeric and Ginger are two spices that fight cancer by actually tricking the cancer cells into attacking one another rather than attacking healthy cells. Garlic interferes with the cancer causing enzymes.

There are many other foods that help fight cancer and strengthen your immune system. Nuts, green and black tea, soy, onions, the list goes on and on. For those wishing to partake in a diet of cancer fighting foods the best approach is to follow the food pyramid. By making sure that the vegetable portions contain a lot of green, red and orange vegetables we can further help our bodies defend against cancer cell growth.

Just as we can eat our way to poor health, we can also eat our way to good health. Choosing those foods that are high in anti oxidants, beta-carotene and all the vitamins and minerals necessary to build a strong immune system and activate our body’s ability to fight cancer.

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