It does a much better job of helping individuals know exactly what and how much they should eat, which only makes sense, as a 28-year-old active male will require more calories than a 50-year-old sedentary woman.
While some have criticized the method of delivery (via the Internet) and some lingering difficulty with quantities (how does one convert a slice of bread into ounces, the chosen measurement for grains?), overall, the response to the new pyramid has been positive. The Web site got more than a thousand hits per second on its first day of operation, tallying 60 million hits for the day.
Perhaps most helpful, quantity recommendations have switched from the erroneous "servings" to actual measurements (e.g. cups, ounces etc.), making it easier -- for the most part -- for people to know whether they are eating proper amounts.
With the food categories funneling upward, rather than stacked upon one another, the new pyramid also makes a visual point of including exercise as part of an overall healthy eating plan. In fact, the government beefed up its activity recommendation to 60 to 90 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous exercise for individuals who wish to maintain or lose weight. Thirty minutes of exercise per day is now considered a minimum recommendation for everyone. Body weight is definitely an emphasis of the new guidelines. With 65 percent of Americans ages 20 to 74 overweight (and nearly half of those people classified as obese), the healthcare fallout will be severe unless individuals learn how to improve their diet and exercise habits.
In addition to personalized food and quantity recommendations, the Web site offers these general tips:
- At least half of your grains should be whole grains. The ingredients list should read "whole wheat" or "whole grain." (Enriched whole wheat flour does not equal whole grain.) If sugar or corn syrup rank high on the ingredients list, try another product.
- Limit your consumption of saturated and trans fats, refined or added sugars, salt and alcohol.
- Eat three cups of low or nonfat dairy a day from sources such as milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese.
- Look for nutrient-dense foods or foods that offer the greatest nutritional punch for the least amount of calories.
- Sodium recommendations are only 2,300 milligrams a day, approximately one teaspoon, so look for products that are labeled "no salt added."
Cardiovascular exercise, stretching and strength training are all essential components of a well-rounded workout program. Try the following overhead press to strengthen your deltoid muscles, which shape the shoulders and move the arms.
Begin by holding a pair of light dumbbells in your hands. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees and toes pointing forward. Bend your knees slightly, lift your torso tall, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Bring the weights to your shoulders, with your palms forward.
Exhale as you slowly press the weights directly upward, keeping your shoulders down as your arms move upward. Pause briefly before slowly lowering the weights back to your shoulders. Try to keep your neck relaxed as you raise your arms. Repeat 10 to 12 times before resting. Perform up to three sets for maximum benefits.
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