Why You Should Exercise Daily

Everywhere you go, you hear about the importance of exercise. Advertisements come in the mail, magazines have articles on the subject, websites and even billboards. They emphasize the importance of regular exercise. People fill up sports centres and gyms where they work hard at exercising. Yes, it is hard work, but there is a reason for their efforts and they are accomplishing some important things. Here are the main reasons why people exercise everyday.

1. Exercise helps control weight. Exercise burns calories. We quickly accumulate extra fat when we eat too much. You must eat 3500 extra calories to add one pound to your current weight. Add some extra fast food, potato chips, ice cream or candy bars to your diet and you will put on weight very quickly. This can only be solved by eating less and exercising to burn the extra calories. You can lose weight and be healthier by adding even small amounts of exercise to your schedule each day.

2. Exercise gives you more energy. Through regular physical exercise, you can improve the tone of your muscles and also increase your endurance. Your entire body will work better, as oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the brain and tissues. Your energy and endurance will then increase. Also, once you have exercised, it's a good idea to use support for your chairs so you can keep your body in shape throughout the day.

3. Exercise helps you fight against sickness and disease. Good cholesterol is increased through activity while the unhealthy cholesterol is decreased. You will cut down on the risk for heart disease because your blood will flow more freely. You can also help prevent diabetes, depression, strokes and other ailments by exercising regularly.

4. Exercise improves your mood. A workout or walk may be the answer to giving your some relief if you are feeling stressed. The chemicals in your brain that help you feel relaxed and content are increased with physical activity. Exercise helps you to feel better about yourself, which boosts your confidence and gives you greater self-esteem.

5. Exercise helps you fight insomnia. You will fall asleep faster and the quality of your sleep will improve when you have exercised during the day. It's not a good idea to exercise at night, but by exercising in the daytime, you will rest better at night.

Exercise does not need to be boring or stressful. You can enjoy your exercise time if you can find something fun to do. Either at the gym or outdoors, exercise is a great way to spend time with your family. It's awesome to be able to burn calories while playing with those you love. The body is not structured to sit all day, but is built to be moving. Regular exercise can help keep your body healthy, especially when one considers the poor diets that we often eat. You can be a happier, healthier person who feels great by just exerting a little extra effort!

Tips to Improve Sleep

1. Sprinkle just-washed sheets and pillowcases with lavender water. The scent has been shown in studies to promote relaxation, which can lead to better sleep.

2. Buy a new pillow. Katz says that studies show that pillows with an indent in the center can enhance sleep quality and reduce neck pain. Also, try a "cool" pillow -- one containing either all-natural fibers or a combination of sodium sulfate and ceramic fibers that help keep your head cool.

3. Eat a handful of walnuts before bed. You'll be giving yourself a boost of fiber and essential fatty acids along with the amino acid tryptophan -- a natural sleep-inducer.

Fuel Up Your Exercise

For a reliable energy boost that provides fuel i the form of carbohydrates, eat a hard roll, pita (pocket) bread, a bagel, or other low-fat, low-sodium bread.

- Everyone who exercises regularly should use the food pyramid guidelines to get plenty of whole-grain bread and cereals, vegetables, and other complex carbohydrates. The body converts these carbohydrates to glucose, provides the primary furl for muscles.

- 'Energy bars' by an name (sports bars, power bars, and nutrition bars) won't boost your athletic performance. A a rule, these bars won't give you more energy than the other high-carbohydrate snack. Some are low in fat, but others contain as much fat as chocolate bar.

- It's a myth that eating a sugar snack right before exercising will boost your energy. The sugar candy bars does raise blood glucose levels, but it provides energy for a relatively brief period.

- For family members who work out regularly, post on a kitchen bulletin board a list of suggested snacks. Some that are high in iron, which is essential for health blood and muscles, are dried apricots, iron-fortifies breads and cereals, nuts, and sun flower seeds. For calcium, which is needed for string bones and muscles, list snacks of cheese (preferably low-fat varieties), custard, pudding, ice milk, and, of course, low-fat milk.

Nutrients for Skin

  • Vitamin C helps produce collagen, the substance that gives your skin some of its elasticity. Citrus fruits, green peppers, and tomatoes are high in vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E, an antioxidant, helps to counter the effects of pollution and ultraviolet rays. Among foods high in Vitamin E are wheat germ, whole grain breads, oatmeal and vegetable oils.
  • Beta-carotene is also an antioxidant. It is found in various fruits and vegetables, including carrots and broccoli. You may also want to take a multivitamin supplement containing beta-carotene (it is always best to take it for its natural source!)
  • Drink eight glasses of fluid a day to make sure your skin is getting enough moisture from within. Besides plain water, you can meet this quota with mineral water, seltzer, diluted fruit juices, herb teas, decaffeinated tea and coffee, and artificially sweetened beverage. (Drinks containing alcohol. caffeine, sugar,, and salt, on the other hand are dehydrating).

* Tip of the day:
If you have tiny facial surface veins, avoid alcohol and hot or spicy foods; they aggravate flushing.

Dealing With Acne

  • In treating acne, start with the mildest medication, such as a 2.5 percent solution of benzoyl peroxide. Check the label to make sure the product does not contain lanolin or mineral oil. If the skin tolerates this mild solution but the acne does not improve, try 5 percent strength. When using any benzoyl peroxide, avoid the area around the eyes. Persistent acne may require a prescription medication; consult a dermatologist.
  • check your medications. Dilantin, cortisone, and other steroids, and hormone preparations, including birth control pills and estrogen, commonly trigger acne. If you are taking any of these drugs, pay extra attention to your skin.
  • Iodides and fluorides (found in kelp, spinach, seaweed, shellfish, and iodized salt) may worsen problem skin.
  • Although some foods can aggravate acne, chocolate is not one of them. Numerous studies show that even large amounts of chocolate will not provoke outbreaks!
  • Working out may also mean breaking out, especially at the start of an exercise program, when the skin is not used to increased sweat and oil. Remove makeup before exercising, change out of damp clothes afterward, and spritz your face with water or toner if you can not shower right away. Wipe off a communal gym mat (with alcohol if possible) before using it.
  • Cosmetics may contribute to acne problems. Buy products labeled "noncomedogenic" which means that they are free of oil and other ingredients that can clog pores.
  • Noncomedogenic moisturizers and sunscreens are also available. Always use moisturizers sparingly.
  • certain hair-care products (mousses, conditioners, sprays) may lead to skin outbreaks. Stay away from those that list oils among the ingredients.
  • Dirty makeup brushes can harbor bacteria and germs. At least twice a month, soak brushes for 10 minutes in a dish of warm, soapy water (use a liquid, antibacterial soap). Then rinse them thoroughly and blot them dry with a clean towel. Stand brushes, handle ends down, in a glass until they are completely dry.
  • Does your chin, check, or forehead break out? Notice whether you tend to rest it in the palm of your hand (or with the chin, against a telephone receiver). If so, change this habit.
  • Lip balm can cause acne or blackheads around the mouth. Check your brand; if it cintains mineral oil, buy another kind without that ingredient.
  • Men with acne should shave as seldom as possible and always use a sharp blade. A translucent, rather than opaque, shaving gel will help you to see sensitive areas.

What Fat Does?

Fats provide a ready source of energy. Dietary fats supply the fatty acids necessary for many of the body's chemical activities, including growth in children, and provide cells' membrane linings. Fats carry the fat-soluble vitamins: A,D,E, and K. Fats lend flavor, texture, and aroma to food, and they satisfy feelings of hunger.

-Myth: Body fat is bad for you.
Moderate amounts of body fat, about 18% to 24% of total weight for women and 15% to 18% for men, is consistent with good health. Stored fats regulate body temperature, provide a protective cushion for organs, and aid in hormone production and regulation.

- Myth: Cholesterol is bad for you.
The body needs blood cholesterol, a type of fat, for the development of sex hormone, skin oils, digestive juices, and other important functions. As a rule the body makes all the cholesterol it needs. To avoid raising their blood cholesterol, most people have to follow two dietary rules: limit both high-cholesterol foods and those containing saturated fat. Animal-derived foods, such as meat, poultry, dairy products, and eggs, are often high in cholesterol and saturated fat.
Recent studies indicate that saturated fat is more likely to boost blood cholesterol levels than is dietary cholesterol. Excess blood cholesterol contributes to plaque, a substance that can block arteries. The result can be heart disease, the leading cause of death in Canada.

-Myth: If you are trying to lose weight, you must ban fat from your diet.
Even people who want to slim down should get about 10% to 20% of their calories from fat (unless your physician tells you otherwise).

-Myth: If you forgo meat and concentrated fats such as butter and oil, your diet will be fat-free.
Almost all foods contain at least traces of fat, often in the form of oils. Even carrots and celery contain minute amounts of fat.

Dining Tips

Ask if the restaurant provides nutrition information. If so, use these guidelines to avoid foods that are high in fat, cholesterol, and salt.

- Sandwiches made at delis, diners, and other eateries are often overstuffed with meat. Ask for yours to be prepared with less meat than usual, or else remove some of the meat from the sandwich, wrap it up, and refrigerate it as soon as possible.

- Have your sandwich served on whole-grain bread (or bun or roll). When ordering toast, make it whole wheat, rye, or other whole-grain bread.

- Think twice before having a diet platter if it includes a hamburger patty, hard-boiled egg, and cottage cheese made from whole mile. This high-fat meal is no calorie bargain.

- If you order a dish that comes with gravy, such as roast turkey, ask for the gravy (usually high in fat) to be served separately so you can dole it out sparingly.

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