Are Raw Vegetables Better Than Cooked Ones?

Eating vegetables is certainly a big part of great nutrition. How you eat them is even more important. Experts encourage people to eat 5 or 6 small portioned meals per day to keep their metabolism stable. What experts fail to address is the concept of how much food a person "desires" to eat. The end goal should be to desire a small amount of food with each meal. We will review a few findings from medical expert Dr. Joel Fuhrman on how eating cooked vegetables can assist you in desiring smaller portions instead of the larger ones.

The first step to becoming healthier is that you have to desire smaller portions. It is not enough to just put a small amount of food on your plate. To desire smaller portions you have to eat a lot of high nutrient foods. They have to be the majority of what you eat. I'm sure you're wondering what foods are high in nutrients and fiber. Examples of high nutrient foods are kale, collard greens, spinach, bok choy and asparagus. There are a host of other foods that are high in nutrients as well. Raw vegetables are a critical necessity for excellent health. Many raw dieters frown upon those that cook their vegetables before they eat them. There are some key facts that many raw food consumers may not know. When you cook a vegetable, you lose about 35% of the isothiocyanates that you would have taken in, should you had taken it in raw. This is not a bad thing because cooked vegetables have tremendous benefits as well.

The drawback of just eating raw vegetables is that we are not able to consume high amounts because we get filled up from them too fast. According to nutritional expert Dr. Joel Fuhrman, "Some people can flourish by eating a raw food diet, but most cannot. It is due in large part to the amount of space that raw vegetables occupy in their stomach. When this large amount of space is occupied the vegetables will not be digested efficiently, thus allowing a great majority of the calories to pass through the body undigested."

If people would chew their food thirty to forty times before swallowing, they would heighten their chances of ingesting more nutrients. The end result is that their caloric needs are not met by the raw vegetables which leads them to eat too many nuts and fruits. In comparison, the raw veggie eaters are actually getting fewer nutrients from their vegetables by eating all raw than they would if they had included some cooked vegetables. Cooking will indeed strip vegetables of some of their nutrients, but it will also increase the density of your diet. You will end up getting a higher proportion of total caloric intake from your vegetables. In the long run it is a healthier alternative than if you were getting calories from other sources. It is very difficult to eat vegetables such as cabbage, collard greens and brussel sprouts in their raw form. You have to consume them in a cooked form like a soup. A soup is the best form to consume cooked vegetables because any nutrients that are lost from the vegetable will go directly into the water. If this is the case, you will be able to recover the nutrients from the water in the event of overcooking the vegetables.

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