Why Crunches Never Create 6 Pack Abs?

Almost everyone has tried some gadget of abdominal fitness routine in hope of decreasing the size of their midsection. They restless souls blast away at countless crunches only to find themselves not accomplishing their mission of the 6 pack abs.

So the next step is give up or hire a fitness professional to help.

Most People come to us and say I want to work on THIS, pointing to their mid-section with a disgusting look on their face. They want six pack abs or a flat stomach. A question that commonly follows is "How many crunches will it take to get rid of This?" The truth is spot reduction or (losing body fat in a specific area) has been proven to a small degree. Most so called personal trainers will tell you other wise because they don't read current scientific literature. We do have some secrets to help our clients lose body fat in a certain are but, crunches, sit ups and abdominal exercises are not the answer. In fact they will never help you lose body fat.

The reason why we incorporate core exercises is to increase functionality and protection while you lift weights. That is the only reason! Don't get me wrong, it is important to exercise abdominals but they will not make you look better. Here is the take home message-you already have abs you just have to lose body fat to see them or get the more toned look.

If you are really serious about losing fat around the midsection its all about diet. Here are some tips to help with this.

1. Keep a food diary and evaluate what you are eating.

2. Don't count calories! look at proportion sizes. Note that the higher numbers are for men/ Every meat should be less than 4-6 oz lean meat, carbohydrate no more than 1 cup-1/2 cup, and go all out with veggies.

3. Most people eat "double carbs" 2 carbohydrate portions in one meal. Like a sandwich and potato chips. You can do the chips and have the bread on the sandwich. So your goal each meal is to stay under 30 grams of Carbs. If you can do that you will be a lot better off and closer to your 6 pack.

4. Small meals every 3 hours is key.

5. Moderation. Eat till your satisfied not full. Also you should never let yourself get hungry either. Stay Satisfied throughout the day.

Although abdominal exercises are important for core strength if your really want the 6 pack abs pit less focus on exercises for abs and more focus on preparing meals.

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